Thursday, October 21, 2010

Billboard interview Yoko Ono Lennon was still able to bring us joyUggs New Yorkugg classic cardy

Yoko Ono and Lennon (data plan).

Netease exclusive coverage of entertainment legend John Lennon (JohnLennon) once said, everyone knows Yoko Ono (Yoko Ono) the name, but no one knew what she had done. In the 30 years after Lennon's death, this sentence is completely changed. Because people know who is John Lennon as a favorite woman, always dressed in black and white, rush around to show the world all Lennon. People admire her, respect her, while continuing to talk about her, defame her. Yoko Ono also create their own concept still works, but all successful business Lennon. However, no matter how others see the two of them really have loved before.

10 9, Yoko Ono Lennon,Uggs New York, as a commemorative act of the most attention ---- and EMI jointly commemorate the 70th anniversary of Lennon's birthday organized \Record companies are also to commemorate John Lennon 70 years old birthday on October 5 release in North America, a few pieces of Lennon tribute album. The re-recording will include 8 Lennon Collection album and renamed it \\written essay. In addition,ugg classic cardy, the year in addition to the original EMI studio album, the record of this second edition will also include a Lennon and Yoko Ono launched in 1980, \Jack Douglas (Jack Douglas) co-production. \The evening of 8 December 1980, has just finished recording the sound of John Lennon has just come out of their New York apartment to Mark Chapman shot and killed brutally.

reprint the works for Lennon,ugg boots classic tall, Yoko Ono has always been the backbone of this program is to promote. Yoko Ono at the Abbey Road (Abbey Road) recording studio and work hard to re-recording of Lennon's 121 solo single, well good Lennon album, selections reprinted the work, the selection of Lennon during his lifetime works of art together with album release. It is reported that she and producer Jack Douglas to discuss how to improve the publication in 1980, the album \

rehearsing in London, she has accepted the Billboard interview, talking about his own past, the preparations for the commemoration of the 70th anniversary of Lennon the whole process of commemoration. Apart from her to let us know through the second edition of the album from a new perspective to appreciate Lennon's music, she Gengrang Lennon fans know that Lennon was still able to bring us happiness.

the following interview with Yoko Ono for the Billboard Record:

Billboard: How do you think you and Lennon's music and legacy of a large number of the role of heritage? As a guardian?

Yoko Ono: guardian, then I do not think it fit, I think the more appropriate guardian.

Billboard: Can you tell us how these two roles convert it? Lennon shortly after the death in it?

Yoko Ono: I have always been as a guardian of the role of Lennon,ugg boots men, but I think especially in the more vivid the role after his death. Before that, I have put all our energy cooperation, and I have been protective of him, because John needs protection. John has been in front of people and bright, and I work behind the scenes, relatively speaking I did not need protection, so I always try to protect John, and when he suddenly left, I think \sustenance of the place where? \And there is a large empty place no one can fill, then I think, \I'll bring some fans something, every year I will think of a theme, but in the end turned into more than one subject, of course, I will do something for yourself, but my life is the things to John Lord.

Billboard: You really have a good run their own business, especially music and visual arts, of course, other. How do you balance your career and Lennon's affairs, which is not a complementary relationship between?

Yoko Ono: Imagine the outside world between them, and there is no complementary relationship. In fact if I ignore it or not Lennon Lennon thing to give enough away to focus on their careers, I would be very evil. So I concentrate on, concentrate on doing things for Lennon, but for my own business is Going, \being.

Billboard: In the Lennon before his death, you and he have discussed how to deal with each other behind the legacy of it?

Yoko Ono: no. We never thought we would die. We feel that (pause )...... John said more than once during his lifetime after sitting in a wheelchair will be too old to go to sea or other, waiting for our children Sean grew up in that sort of thing. We just think of our old age.

Billboard: everything should be from the 1984 album \What is your evaluation of this album?

Yoko Ono: I do not have any evaluation. When I was producing an album with Lennon \\John is very happy with this and that together we must make it out. We have for the album \And John made a commitment to \

Billboard: \

Yoko Ono: As you can imagine, the 70th anniversary of Lennon's birthday should be a large event. The event is the first label EMI's Capitol and EMI made the first, but when they told me that a plan, they say that they had not hosted the event, and I think there is no other record company to undertake through such activities, and finally we conceive of John Lennon as a Renaissance image of man as the theme. We want to release not just music, we want to produce music never done collage. I bet they dare to make such feel very excited, so I want to let go of all the things to suit them.

Billboard: Now that the activities presented the first version of you, you have been adjusted to this plan it?

Yoko Ono: I did not make any adjustments. I just make sure it's quality is the best, this is the reason I'm involved,ugg red, and not to self-promotion. I want to make sure that I plan to improve. In fact I am every part of this project feel a great interest in, and this is I went into the Abbey Road studios for all the Lennon songs, 121 songs for the selections of the reason.

Billboard: This is an event for what is your experience?

Yoko Ono: This for me is no small challenge, but also made me both physically and psychologically from feeling exhausted. I do not think there throughout the event any personal feelings, because in the past 30 years for John and I have been busy, so I think I can do is that I should do a little more professional. But when I do this, I suddenly felt this for me is a new experience, I suddenly began to see that or that John is indeed a great musician and artist, and this to me is very important. John, I hope to be here,Cheap Ugg Boots on sale, then I can say to him, \(Laughs)

Billboard: John, you heard what the song makes you some of John's evaluation of sublimation?

Yoko Ono: It should be said that I heard John's album from the \You know in the 70's and 80's, when, in that period of time, music like the song to mix, so the instrument sounds are unusually large,uggs store, strong rhythm, and this is overshadowed by the singer's voice. I have suggested before, \But this time, due to the issue of revision of the \clear. Before I do not think John is so great and unique, not only has a very unique and elegant style of singing. His singing is simply perfect to be able to make you feel just by so impressed. It's like listening to a very professional actor in the interpretation of Shakespeare, of course, John is not in the interpretation of Shakespeare's works, but I think he is the Shakespeare of our time.

Billboard: In the past few years, you spend a lot of time reviewing all of Lennon's music, now you look at how Lennon's growth and development over a period of it?

Yoko Ono: I now think of it still find it very interesting. As memories of the year after Lennon left the Beatles, produced the first official album \We can make the whole world who left the Beatles, can still influence the world to create more music, but also because of this in 1971, officially goes on to create the perfect work, to astound the world the album \

Subsequently, in 1973 he launched the album \And until later in November 1974 issue of \

the second year, the album \Stand By Me \Although Lennon was launched with the U.S. immigration authorities for repatriation and a variety of combat activities of a green card, triggering talk of people around the world, but I have to say, \Lennon I once again admire the musical talent because I've always thought of the outside world is too big for him, but precisely because of this, I really musical talent of his admiration from the heart, because I know that is not ordinary people do. Even now I still stunned that he was really very powerful.

Billboard: Do you think Lennon than the average person who is always the vanguard of artists far away you?

< p> Yoko Ono: Undoubtedly, yes. He was always able to create a one-off shock to Heaven of music, I never saw him again for a song changes. he were born to create music to now, I still can not describe any language to describe his musical talent. However, we can screen through the past to detect the kind of talent he was, or only way to truly feel his presence, He is in my eyes are always the great music artist.

Billboard: Lennon all the time whether to focus on his music?

Yoko Ono: This I do not know. but There was a time I knew he was so, he is very focused on the kind of musician. In the past,UGGS Kensington, he also often spend a lot of time and energy to focus on music, he also knows that down is very dangerous. but he could not control themselves. At that time I also know he is playing with fire itself, he also has this awareness. At that time, he will hate politicians write \He always said: I just write my music, this is what I should do, do not you?

Billboard: In your opinion, that Lennon always adventurous artist? or he went through a transfer point only to change into this?

Yoko Ono: might be what you think. I still remember his time in the Beatles, he was always able to exploit the use of some of the ways to Try adventure innovation, but he is very concerned about their own position in the band, because of this, he can not do some things that hurt the Beatles. In the past, Lennon committed the phrase \The remarks did a great influence on him, and he knew this matter to him,moncler women, the whole band is concerned, is a very painful memories.

and I also believe that while he does not want to because of his Beatles from outside the whole controversy. until he withdrew, he really started a new music career, because it represents his true freedom, and no longer be bound. \Imagine \how to deal with that kind of relationship?

Yoko Ono: At work, we always consult each other and not try to change each other what point, just work together for the same thing, more precisely, to do is stay with what they should do it since the beginning.

Billboard: fans more curious, you're going to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the birth of John Lennon album selections are the 8 juice flavor of the original album, not you personally responsible for the 2005 reprint of the improved version of the first album?

Yoko Ono: John because it was all made in 2005 was listed as an improved version, had created in his music with his own ideas would be better, so I did that. But this time,Moncler Outlet, I believe that fans really want is a return to the music,ugg ladies boots, which is the most juice Lennon Original works.

Billboard: In a few pieces of re-issue the album, released in 1980, studio album \In my opinion, it is like all the people had questioned the scene when we're together, then I thought, why can not we do it? I think Lennon would like me to make such a decision simply because want to do our own, like \Jack Douglas (Jack Douglas) What kind of evaluation?

Yoko Ono: I have the communication between the two of us are very worried, after all,moncler moncler, I'm much bigger than him, or he can not understand this large majority of people, afraid we can not cross between a membrane. but the reality has proved that this is more than I thought. Jack was very friendly, he can do is responsible for everything, especially with to communicate with him makes me feel very uncomfortable, and he is very careful, the music also have very sharp opinions. with him very happy, let us be surprised that even faster than expected completion time.

Billboard : upcoming \This is not my imagination. This is the idea of EMI, because I know that many fans do not want to relive again, already have their previous albums, and realized that,Ugg online, EMI wanted to do an anthology again. This not only to meet the fans can hear John Lennon singing aspirations of rock music, you can hear John Lennon singing ballads. The idea of the true point of view from the fans to think, really very special.

Billboard: In eight of the re-release an album, you are John Lennon and the Beatles how to deal with copyright issues between it?

Yoko Ono: In my opinion, John is the Beatles disabilities as part of the band of course I will assess the relationship between the two, which,moncler on sale, like George Harrison's widow Olivia Harrison to George the album, we often exchange views on the two. made all of this,Moncler UK, the most important that I will follow the premise of the idea of John.

Billboard: you can tell me in detail the relationship between the process of dealing with this you?

Yoko Ono: Yes, In speaking of these, I would like to thank Olivia Harrison, she really is a very smart, very assertive person. She is worthy of my respect, most of the time, she helped me a lot. In addition, Paul McCartney ( Paul McCartney) and Ringo Starr (Ringo Starr) is very understanding, they understand the way I do. We have a consensus that, if the disagreement will only waste your time, and we are still the same on a boat, and they understand that everyone's ideas. We believe that this is the right thing we all support each other in the end of the.

Billboard: In the past, is also re-released Beatles album period of time, what can make you unforgettable memories of what?

Yoko Ono: In my opinion, the Canadian Cirque du Soleil (Cirque du Soleil) to the Beatles (The Beatles) production of the musical band \Sato's son Dhani offer advice in seeking to offer the performance of the game I'm impressed.

Billboard: all these years, why do you refuse to publish more works on the Beatles to commemorate it?

< p> Yoko Ono: not all. In my opinion,Moncler Online, in the past has released the music video on the Beatles \Music in the first persons.

Billboard: how will you deal with the legacy of John, is not organized more like a tour bus Composition Competition and educational activities such?

Yoko Ono: I really like some positive things and promote positive activities organized, I think John would like us to do. The most important is that we are helping our children instead of spending money in some other places, and our activities are very transparent and open. We are doing things for the music, this is John's desire.

Billboard: Do you have personal access to listen to those in the Composition Competition good results in anything?

Yoko Ono: Of course, they are really great.'s really very exciting, but I am pleased that the children of great capacity. I think our future will be very good, because our planet will be a musical star.

Billboard: Do you think if John still alive, he was the age of 70 you will be making music?

Yoko Ono: Of course, if he wants, then he would. From my experience, I feel I am now writing music is not too late, because my previous experience helpful. creating music is A happy and also very good for our health, so there should be more and more people making music in his later years. (compiler / may)

(This article Source: Netease Entertainment Zhuangao)

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